Instructions for Authors: Manuscripts may be submitted directly to journal’s office or to any member of the Editorial Board. Authors are asked to include two copies of the manuscript or to send a WORD file via e-mail. The manuscript is accompanied by information about the author (in a separate file). It must include: name, place of work, position, contact phone and e-mail for correspondence. The first page should contain the title of the paper, authors’ names and addresses, a suggested running title of less than 70 characters, and a brief but informative abstract. Please keep formatting macros to a minimum, to make conversion of files more accurate. Do not worry about chapter headings, running titles, bad page breaks, etc, and avoid adding extra space and using glue to improve the appearance of the manuscript. Please ensure that the material has been carefully proof-read and that all input and style files used are made available to the publishers. A paper should be thoroughly elaborated by the author, who is responsible for its content and all details and facts that are presented. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Some points are agreed between the author and editor. The Editorial Board make a decision based on results of peer-review
The manuscript can be deviate defeat does not fit to the journal thematic, or in view of its low level of scientific content, or as result of non-correct design. TheEditorialBoard does not inform the author about technical changes in his manuscript that do not make significant value to content. Inthecase, when the paper is not accepted the corresponding editor inform the author by proper argumentation.
Editorial Board of “Herald of Omsk University” undertakes to send copies of reviews in the Ministry of Education and Science for admission to the editor publication prompted
Design of manuscript:
Figures or Graphics: A separate file for each graphic should be submitted.
Footnotes: Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and be as brief as possible. They should be numbered consecutively and placed at the foot of the page to which they refer.
References: References should be collected at the end of the paper and numbered in order of the appearance in the manuscript. The following examples show the preferred style for references
[1] Бор Н. Атомная физика и теория познания. М.: Иностранная литература, 1961. 153 с.
[2] Guy R. K. Unsolved problems in number theory. N.Y.; Heidelberg; Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1981. 161 p.
[3] Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. N. Algebraic geometry 2: logical foundations // J. Algebra. 2000. Vol. 234. P. 225-276.
[4] Матиясевич Ю. В. Диофантовость перечислимых множеств // Докл. АН СССР. 1970. Т. 191. С. 279-282.
[5] Девянин П. Н. Модели безопасности компьютерных систем. Управление доступом к информационным потокам: учеб. пособие для вузов. М.: Горячаялиния – Телеком. 2011. 320 с.
[6] National Institute of Standards and Technology. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and Role Based Security:
[7] Закревский А. Д. Машина для решения логических задач типа синтеза релейных схем // Синтез релей-ных устройств: труды Междунар. симп. по теории релейных устройств и конечных автоматов. М.: Наука, 1965. С. 346-356.
[8] Багдасарян Т. О. Тональный компонент модальности и коммуникации (на материале английского и русского языков) : автореф. дис. канд. филол. наук. Краснодар, 2000. 23 с.
[9] Мартынов Л. М. Об относительно полных алгебрах// Вестн. Ом. ун-та. 2000. №3. С. 9-11. [1] J. L. Alperin. Local representation theory (Cambridge University Press, 1986).
[2] C. Bonnafe´ and M. J. Dyer. Semidirect product decomposition of Coxeter groups. Preprint (2008).
Authors should notify the Herald of Omsk University of any changes of address while their paper is under consideration. In all other matters arising before the acceptance of papers, authors are requested to communicate directly with the appropriate editor. Authors will receive a WORD file of the page proofs for correction. Only typographical errors should be corrected in the proofs.
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