Student Testimonials
Student TestimonialsMaster’s Degree at Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Applied Theoretical Physics

Anna Samoshilova

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What skills do you gain from the Master's degree? Which of them do you find useful?

Generally, I think that the main goal of studying both at school and at the university is to learn how to learn, in other words, gain the skill of knowledge processing. Knowledge is quite often not just a number of facts, but the skill of having these facts, using them when necessary, arranging them in needed order, etc. Our Master's degree lets us learn to work with the information. Well, I don't take into account those academic knowledge we are getting. Of course, we have a good base in theoretical physics and in quantum theory of solid objects.

How do you see yourself after finishing the Master's degree?

The advantage of taking a Master's degree, in contrast to a college or an institute with a field specialization, is that we can fulfill our potential in a wide range of life spheres, meaning that we can still continue working on our research or make our own business or, maybe, develop some new software packages, as we are very well trained in programming. Basically, the career choices are infinite, after gaining a Master's degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics you can be whoever you want to be.

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