Student Testimonials
Student TestimonialsMaster’s Degree at Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Applied Theoretical Physics

Anastasiya Lyah

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Why did you decide to enter the Master’s degree?

I graduated from the Bachelor's degree in “Applied Mathematics and Physics” and decided to continue my studies at Master’s degree level in the same field of study as I am engaged in the interesting research work and have decided to continue it.

Why did you choose the Master`s degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics?

During my Bachelor`s degree studies I was doing research on the non-equilibrium critical behavior of the three-dimensional Heisenberg model, studied magnetization behavior, autocorrelation functions, and critical exponents for this model. At the Master`s degree I continue to study this model but now I am engaged in the calculation of the fluctuation-dissipation ratio - one of the special universal variables that allow classifying different models.

What skills do you gain from the Master`s degree? Which of them do you find useful?

I learned how to get some data, I learned to process data, get the necessary information from data, research the information, analyze and compare it with previously received research.

How do you see yourself after finishing the Master`s degree?

As my field of study is closely connected with programming, I would like to study further, or rather, delve into programming and start working in the IT sphere. I believe that the knowledge gained from the Bachelor`s degree and the future knowledge gained from the Master`s degree will help me a lot in it. It’s worth entering the Master`s degree program as it is very interesting here. Here you continue to study what you have already started at the Bachelor`s level but more thoroughly; here you learn to act more independently and be ambitious.

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