Student Testimonials
Student TestimonialsDanila Karamyshev

Russian as a Foreign Language

Danila Karamyshev

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When I went for a Master’s Degree I thought it would be difficult: I instantly remembered overwhelming competition when I was getting a Bachelor’s Degree and the first half a year of studies – that’s how much it took to adapt. But I shouldn’t have had that many concerns: it was surprisingly easy to enroll into the Master’s studies and studying process turned out to be unusually easy (at least by now).

The teachers aren’t strict: they understand that students are already working, so they take rare absences easy. Besides, you can take extra tasks to work off your absence. But I wouldn’t postpone such things to the end of studying period…

There are not so many people in our groups, that’s why every class is more like a cozy talk. What I really like in comparison with the Bachelor’s studies is that we have less amount of disciplines, and they’re all important and have a direct connection with the future profession. It lets us to spend less time on studying, while getting more benefit out of it. Also, the first half of the day is free – some consider it to be a positive thing, some – to be a negative thing. If you have an urge to learn, you for sure won’t get exhausted by such schedule.

And, of course, the teachers’ attitude towards us has changed. We are not the children we used to be 4 years ago, so we are treated like adults here, equally. No more threats with bad grades and lectures for half an hour about poorly done homework: all the preparation is up to us only. And I’m very glad about it.
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