Russian as a Foreign Language
Nataliya Kibalina
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In 2017 I gained my Master’s Degree in teaching Russian Language as a Foreign language and literally immediately went to work abroad. For two years now I have been living in China and working as a teacher of the Russian language at Xi'an Railway Technical Institute. Such major changes in my life are only because of this master’s programme.
A teacher of Russian as a foreign language is not a person who enters the class, gives a lesson, and leaves. A Russian lesson for a group of international students is when the teacher draws, bakes pancakes, and makes performances. Some of my compatriots ask: “Is your Institute hiring at the moment? I am also a native speaker, I can also teach!” To which I always say the same thing: “Of course, it is possible, but first, imagine that I am a foreigner, and try to explain what is the difference between verbs of imperfect and perfect form”
In the classes at our university, we learned to make out a curriculum, correctly compose a lesson and create tests. While imitating the lesson, we took turns in playing the role of foreign students and teachers. Furthermore, in two years of education, I received not only theoretical basics, but also the possibility of real practice, which allowed me to be a real teacher, and also to add several significant notes to my resume.
I underwent my internship in Slovenia at the Russian Center for Science and Culture. And in my second year of education I did my practical training at Omsk Armor Engineering Institute. Thanks to the experience gained there, I quickly got a job offer. I don’t think it’s luck or coincidence, it’s the result of my hard work and work of my professors, their interest in my success and professional ambitions.
Now I’m doing my research degree at my favorite Faculty of Philology and I hope to defend my dissertation soon.