Russian as a Foreign Language
Aleksandra Stepanova
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When I got my Bachelor’s degree, I had to make a choice what master’s programme to choose. I chose Russian as a foreign language because this area seemed to me more interesting, promising acquaintance with new information and new interesting people. I chose it and did not lose.
My graduate studies opened up the opportunity to gain knowledge and practical skills in teaching Russian as a foreign language, and to participate in the Erasmus + international exchange program. Under this program, I went to Estonia for a whole semester and studied at the University of Tallinn together with other exchange students from different countries. It was an unforgettable experience. I got a lot of good impressions and looked at teaching in a different perspective.
In the summer of 2019, I received my Master’s Degree. I’ve just started to work in my professional field. I got a job as a teacher of Russian as a foreign language at Omsk Armor Engineering Institute. The experience gained in internships at Omsk State University, in classrooms with a group of students from China, as well as theoretical and practical knowledge and skills help me in my work.
After all, Russian as a foreign language is not at all the same as Russian as a mother tongue. All the concepts and complex rules of our Great and Powerful Russian need to be explained as simple and accessible as possible.
Of course, I'm not going to stop here. Now I’m doing my research degree at Omsk State University. It gives me the opportunity to further research work, as well as professional growth in the future. The philological, linguistic field allows me to develop and deepen the topic that I began to study in my MA course, and in the future I am going to defend my dissertation.