Stories of Success
Stories of SuccessAnastasiya Kirova

Russian as a Foreign Language

Anastasiya Kirova

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I finished my Master’s studies in 2015.
I was a student at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, graduated in 2013 and got the qualification “Linguist, Translator and Interpreter”

Anastasia, tell us please, which skills of a skills set gained on the Master’s Degree programme have helped you afterwards?

As for me, skills of performing an academic research helped me most. Our professors and teachers at the Faculty pay a lot of attention to this aspect, and, as a result, a graduate has a solid foundation for entering postgraduate studies and realizing oneself as a scientist.

What are the features of teaching on this programme that seems the most important to you and how do the teachers interact with the students on this specialization, how big is their interest in students’ success?

On my opinion, the teachers try to help every student individually depending on their aims and wishes. It was important for me that the teachers offered us to participate in different programmes, grants, projects, and I actively accepted their offers.

Anastasia, could you tell us about opportunities for scientific and professional growth?

In fact, the opportunities are so vast that it is difficult to list all of them. For me, most importantly, it is an opportunity for academic and teaching activity. My research work that I started during Master’s Degree studies has developed into my PhD thesis.

Also, the skills I have gained were highly estimated on different projects and contests I have taken part in, for example, I have been a semi-finalist of Scholarship Programme of the Fund by Vladimir Potanin, which was carried out as a business game.

I have also been selected in Young People Government Reserve of Omsk Region.

I think it is important for young specialists and their future employment.

It is particularly necessary to mention the opportunities to participate in international projects. In 2014 I undertook a German language course and got a certificate at the Jade Hochschule in Wilgelmshaven in the framework of the bilateral agreement between OmSU and the German University.

After getting a Master’s Degree in 2015 I was a winner of a globally known Fulbright programme for English language teachers. My responsibilities were teaching Russian and my own culture at the American higher education institution. I think that my Master’s Degree Diploma has played a key part in my winning at this contest.

Also, this year from January till July I was studying at the University of Latvia (Riga) in the framework of Erasmus+ programme. I attended classes of Russian as a foreign language as an observer, and later as a native-speaking assistant. Interest in the Russian language is extremely huge. I met a lot of friends there and I have been keeping in touch with them.

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