教师 Master’s Degree at Dostoevsky Omsk State University


Andrey Vakilov

Andrey Nikolaevich Vakilov

PhD., Associate Professor of the Chair of Theoretical Physics at Dostoevsky Omsk State University has been working at the Omsk State University since 1987

In 1995 PhD - Theoretical Physics, Tomsk State University

In 1998 Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics

Reads lecture courses "Electrodynamics. Electrodynamics of continuous media", “Numerical methods in statistical physics” and “Methods of parallel programming” for students of the Faculty of Physics;
special courses “Parallel programming algorithms”, “Supercomputer technology” and “Physics of disordered systems” for graduate students of the master's program "Applied Theoretical Physics".

Research Interests
Phase transitions and critical phenomena in disordered and complex systems. Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics
Scopus Preview - https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6603652647
ResearchGate profile https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/2014879789_Andrey_N_Vakilov
Some publications
  1. Zeros of Partition Function and Critical Exponents of 3D Diluted Ising Model//Materials Science Forum Vol. 845 (2016) P. 150-153. 
  2. Zeros in parttion funcction and critical behavior of disordered three dimensional Ising model//Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics and Physics.-2017.- V. 10.- № 1.- P. 128 
  3. Influence of disorder on critical ageing in 3D Ising model // Physics Letters A. 2015. V. 379 P. 774-778. 
  4. Ageing and non-equilibrium critical phenomena in Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional pure and diluted Ising models. // Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2015. 053A01. 
  5. Short-time dynamics and critical behavior of the three-dimensional site-diluted Ising model. // Physical Review E. 2010. V. 81. P. 011130-1 011130-11. 

E-mail: vakilovan@omsu.ru 


Phone: +7 3812 630 445

Mailing address:
Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Mira str. 55A,
Theoretical Physics Department
644077 Omsk, Russia 
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