教师 Master’s Degree at Dostoevsky Omsk State University


Prudnikov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Prof. Vladimir V. Prudnikov

Ph.D.:1978 Kazan State University.
Docent:1984 Omsk State University.
Associate Prof.:1986 Omsk State University.
D.Sc. in Mathematics & Physics :2000 Kazan State University.

Dr. Sc., Professor of the Chair of Theoretical Physics at Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Lecture Courses
Quantum Theory of Solid State
Phase Transition and Critical Phenomena
Theory of Magnetic Phenomena
Monte Carlo simulations of Critical Phenomena

Research Interests:
Phase transitions and critical phenomena in disordered and complex systems
Thin magnetic films and multilayer structures with giant magnetic resistance
Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics
Out-of-equilibrium critical beh * avior: aging phenomena and short-time dynamics
Field-theoretical and renormalization-group description of disordered systems

Author of more than 200 scientific publications and 8 monographs

Selected publications:

1. Prudnikov V.V., Prudnikov P.V., Mamonova M.V., Firstova M.M., Samoshilova A.A. Manifestation of aging in giant magnetoresistance of the Co/Cu/Co nanostructure // J. Phys. Commun. 2019. V. 3. 015002.
2. Prudnikov P.V., Prudnikov V.V., Purtov A.N., Mamonova M.V., Piskunova N.I. Non-equilibrium critical dynamics of multilayer magnetic structures // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2019. Vol. 470. P. 143-146. 
3. Romanovskiy D.E., Prudnikov V.V., Prudnikov P.V. The calculation of magnetoresistance coefficient for multilayer magnetic structures // J. Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. 2018. Vol. 11. No. 6. P. 733–737. 
4. V.V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, M.V. Mamonova. Aging effects in the nonequilibrium behavior of magnetic superstructures and their manifestation in magnetoresistance // JETP. 2018. V. 127. No.4. P.731-741. DOI: 10.1134/S1063776118100060
5. M.V. Mamonova, V.V. Prudnikov and I.A. Prudnikova. Surface Physics: Theoretical Models and Experimental Methods. – Cambridge International Science Publishing Ltd, Cambridge (UK), Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, Boca Raton (USA), 2013


Phone: +7 (3812) 630-445

Mailing address:
Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Mira str. 55A,
Theoretical Physics Department
644077 Omsk, Russia
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