Naming in different areas of communication field: Collective monograph (2018) Ed.: Irina V. Annenkova, Elena N. Remchukova. Ottawa: Carleton University Ottawa Centre for Governance and Public Policy, 2018
Issers, O. Russian Communicative Strategies and Tactics (2015). Moscow: LENAND. 7-thed.
New media in Russia: Language and Communication researches (2015). Collective monograph. Ed. O.S. Issers. Omsk: OmGU.
Issers, O. Modern Discourse Practices (2015). Moscow: LENAND,. 2-thed.
Issers, O. Speech Persuasion (2013). Moscow: Flinta. 3-thed.
Linguistics serves the society: methods of diagnostics of regional social processes (2013). CollectiveMonograph. Ed. Issers O.S. Omsk.
Russion Food throw the Mirrow of Language (2013). Collective monograph. Moscow: RGGU.
American communicative behavior (2001). Collective monograph. Ed.: Sternin, I.A., Sternina, M.A. Voronezh: Istoki
Issers, O. (2018) Identifying power of names in the service industry (based on the examples of hotel names in Siberia) OnomasticaUralica. V.14. Pp. 147-159.
Issers, O. S. (2018). Linguistic Strategies of Dental Practice Naming. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 126-133. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2018-4-126-133
Issers O.S., Terskikh M.V. (2018) Medialization of linguistic knowledge in the modern digital space: A case study of the project "The faces of the modern Russian Studies". Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Workshop (2018 COMSDS). P. 27–28.
Issers O., Halvorson S. (2015) A Cross Cultural Study of American and Russian Proprieties in Communication. Russian Journal of Linguistics. "Vestnik RUDN. Linguistics". Special issue "International Communication: Theory and Practice".V.19 (4). P.146-154.
Сайт создан при финансовой поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, в рамках федерального проекта "Экспорт образования" национального проекта "Образование", соглашение № 075-15-2019-1807 от 27 ноября 2019 года.