教师Master Degree Program of Dostoevsky Omsk State University


Oxana Issers

Oxana Sergeevna Issers





美国语用学协会(AMPRA, 美国),“俄罗斯认知语言学协会”全俄罗斯社会团体(俄罗斯) (Russia)
  1. Naming in different areas of communication field: Collective monograph (2018) Ed.: Irina V. Annenkova, Elena N. Remchukova. Ottawa: Carleton University Ottawa Centre for Governance and Public Policy, 2018
  2. Issers, O. Russian Communicative Strategies and Tactics (2015). Moscow: LENAND. 7-thed.
  3. New media in Russia: Language and Communication researches (2015). Collective monograph. Ed. O.S. Issers. Omsk: OmGU.
  4. Issers, O. Modern Discourse Practices (2015). Moscow: LENAND,. 2-thed.
  5. Issers, O. Speech Persuasion (2013). Moscow: Flinta. 3-thed.
  6. Linguistics serves the society: methods of diagnostics of regional social processes (2013). CollectiveMonograph. Ed. Issers O.S. Omsk.
  7. Russion Food throw the Mirrow of Language (2013). Collective monograph. Moscow: RGGU.
  8. American communicative behavior (2001). Collective monograph. Ed.: Sternin, I.A., Sternina, M.A. Voronezh: Istoki
  1. Issers, O. (2018) Identifying power of names in the service industry (based on the examples of hotel names in Siberia) OnomasticaUralica. V.14. Pp. 147-159. http://mnytud.arts.unideb.hu/onomural/
  2. Issers, O. S. (2018). Linguistic Strategies of Dental Practice Naming. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki, 4, 126-133. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2018-4-126-133
  3. Paola CotticelliKurras, Alfredo Rizza (Ed.) (2018) Language, Media and Economy in Virtual and Real Life: New Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2018. 309 p. Pp. 32-48. http://www.cambridgescholars.com/language-media-and-economy-in-virtual-and-real-life
  4. Issers O.S., Terskikh M.V. (2018) Medialization of linguistic knowledge in the modern digital space: A case study of the project "The faces of the modern Russian Studies". Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Workshop (2018 COMSDS). P. 27–28. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35099114
  5. Issers O., Halvorson S. (2015) A Cross Cultural Study of American and Russian Proprieties in Communication. Russian Journal of Linguistics. "Vestnik RUDN. Linguistics". Special issue "International Communication: Theory and Practice".V.19 (4). P.146-154.

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